Saturday, January 12, 2013


Got up relatively early today, but did absolutely nothing with my time. Played some MK with my brother and got my ass handled to me, which got me depressed (normally that wouldn't, BUT, well, normally I don't get beaten by him, neither).
I suppose my 'performance' and mood was greatly affected by my marijuana induced 'trip' if you can call it that  - I was not aware you can actually do that on pot, but wow. Not only that I got some promising creative ideas, but I also found magic lantern - don't tell me now nothing useful ever comes from using drugs.

Useful tools aside I got some fun idea for a story - if I ever start writing again, this is definetly worth a shot.
I doubt the theme is entirely new, but proper form and execution would make it work just the same. And it could be fun. And maybe for a few days I will be able to ponder about this story of mine instead of thinking how I would reply in some stupid discussions online I was not even a part of - I always do that when my mind is not occupied. Sometimes I think about writings as well, but it never leads to any actual work being done since I only roll the words in my mind with no final goal in mind. The fun part about yesterday is that I had seen the idea in its entirety - ending and morals and what have you.

The down side is, that the second part of the trip was rather sad in terms of overall mood. If I was on shrooms, I'd probably end up crying or something. The images of life just slipping away through our fingers, the briefness of it... This picture is responsible:
I think it is amazing in so many ways! Some of them are pretty extreme so I will not express them here.
I should start sketching the way I saw this image in my mind. But i feel lazy so instead I did two panels of that  little comic me and P. had thought about like a year ago.
MAYBE if I finish it she'd be glad enough to come over, so we could fuck -_-
Having just one girlfriend sucks. Having no girlfriends is mostly ok excluding the days you really want to screw somebody.

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